Master’s degree in Engineering – Agriculture and Food Processing - Sandwich course : Company sponsored TAUGHT IN FRENCH
I²FA trains international managers
ESA offers a company-sponsored Master's degree program to students who would like a career in the Dairy sector.
According to the field of French companies requiring students with a background in Food Sciences, Agronomy, Food production, Animal science, Veterinary science, Microbiology or Biotechnolgy, Chemical Engineering, students will earn a Master of Science in Agricultural Engineering from l'Ecole Supérieure des Agricultures Angers (ESA) after 2 academic years of receiving high level training in technical and managerial competencies on half-time at ESA and half-time in the French company with a tutor for the professional skills.
This is a unique opportnity to develop skills both in a major institution of higher education in the fields of Life Sciences and in an international french company, the goal is to become future manager, after 2 years, once back in the home country.
Admission requirements: Candidates must:
- be graduated with a Bsc or Msc with minimum of 180 ECTS in one of the following domains :
- Agronomy, Animal science, Veterinary science (depending of requests of the French company)
- or Food Sciences, Agronomy, Food production, Microbiology or Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering (depending of requests of the French company)
- Agronomy, Animal science, Veterinary science (depending of requests of the French company)
- B2 certified level in English (TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, Cambridge or equivalent)
- a strong motivation to learn new cultures and a new language: French
- a real capacity to overcome challenges and to develop new competencies
- an experience abroad would be appreciated
- NO FRENCH REQUIRED TO APPLY -as an Intensive French course is offered prior to the Master course (from February to August in France, before beginning the Master : mid-August)
Applicants must be under 28 on September 1st 2025 to apply (i.e born after September 1st, 1997).
In case of final admission by both ESA and the French firm after the final admission process, applicants will be asked to provide to ESA their highest diploma and latest transcripts of record translated into French by a sworn translator.
Apply on the Online Application and choose "I²FA - Company-sponsored international Msc program (2025-2027)", also called I²FA program.
Brochure (in both English and French): Master I²FA brochure 2021
Brochure about ENGINEERING PROGRAM at ESA (in French): INGENIEUR Brochure 2020-2021